Kamala’s Gun Bans Could Destroy the Firearms Industry: A Look at Firearms Email Lists



01 Oct

Kamala’s Gun Bans Could Destroy the Firearms Industry: A Look at Firearms Email Lists

Last week, President Biden and VP Kamala Harris held a press conference on the new executive orders for gun control.  Many quickly dismissed it as a “nothing burger,” but according to Tom Grieve, a 2A attorney, it is a “slow roll” that is potentially setting the stage for more gun control.

What do the orders do?

First, it allocates $135 million to encourage states to implement “extreme risk protection orders” (red flag laws). Imagine an owner posting a video of himself shooting a gun; someone could report them as a danger, and in many states like Florida, his gun rights are removed until he has a hearing before a judge in which he must pay for an attorney himself.

Second, it reinforces the ATF’s Emerging Threats Center, which was established to monitor new firearm technologies and illegal modifications. The focus is unsterilized, 3D-printed firearms. Often referred to as “ghost guns,” these weapons lack serial numbers and are difficult to trace.

What is not said is that there are already laws on the books to stop guns from being able to pass through metal detectors. This is just another step to stop gun owners from exercising their Constitutional right to build, modify, and maintain their firearms.

Democrats have called for the serialization of all weapon parts. Imagine gun owners having to get a background check for an AR handguard or magazine.

If Vice President Kamala Harris is elected President, you can expect her to push for stricter gun control measures; your business could be at risk.

Could your inventory become unsellable under new laws? It’s a question that’s keeping many firearms manufacturers and gun parts sellers up at night.

Let’s break down what’s at stake.

Kamala’s Gun Control

Harris supports several key measures. Universal background checks top her list. She’s also pushing for a ban on assault weapons. And don’t forget about potential buyback programs. These policies could have far-reaching implications for your business.

But it doesn’t stop there. Harris could bypass Congress entirely, and executive actions are a real possibility. This means changes could come faster than you might expect.

In 2019, at a CNN town hall, Sen. Kamala Harris outlined plans to curb gun violence if she’s elected President.

“Upon being elected, I will give the United States Congress 100 days to get their act together and have the courage to pass reasonable gun safety laws, and if they fail to do it, then I will take executive action.”

“We want to ban assault weapons, and they want to ban books.” This recent quote from a teacher’s union event in July 2024 succinctly contrasts her gun control stance with her opponents’ priorities.

So, what does this mean for firearms and gun parts sellers?

The risk is significant. Some of your inventory might become illegal to sell overnight, and certain firearms and gun parts could be banned or severely restricted. This isn’t just about future stock; it’s about the security of what’s sitting on your shelves right now.

The financial fallout could be severe. Imagine being left with products you can’t legally sell. Production lines might grind to a halt. Orders from suppliers and customers could vanish in an instant. It’s a nightmare scenario for any business owner.

Why Waiting Is Not an Option

But here’s the thing: you don’t have to wait for the hammer to fall. You can act now.

Current polls show that Democrats have a 60% chance of taking control of the House and a 40% chance of winning the Senate. The presidential race between candidates is too close to call, but this means Democrats could have 100% control of Congress and the White House.

The uncertainty in the marketplace is palpable. Even if legislation isn’t immediate, public sentiment is shifting. The demand for certain types of guns or gun parts could drop significantly, which means the share of your sales could take a hit even before any laws change.

We’ve seen this before. During past gun control pushes, businesses were left scrambling. Remember the Assault Weapons Ban in 1994? It caught many off guard. Companies faced inventory management nightmares. Supply chains were disrupted. Profits plummeted.

History has a way of repeating itself. But this time, you have a chance to get ahead of the curve.

The Solution: Renting Gun Owner Email Lists to Sell Your Inventory Now

So, what’s the solution? It’s simpler than you might think: rent firearms email lists in order to sell your inventory now.

Email marketing is a powerful tool. It allows you to reach gun enthusiasts, 2A Amendment rights activists, preppers, and collectors quickly. These people are already interested in your products, and they’re more likely to make a purchase, especially if they think time is running out.

Think about it. These niche audiences are your ideal customers. They understand the value of firearms and related accessories. They’re likely to buy now before potential restrictions kick in.

However, not all email lists are created equal. You need targeted lists that cater specifically to firearms-related events and products. Gun enthusiasts, prepper communities, firearm collectors, and hunters – these are the groups you want to reach.

How to Get Started with Email List Rentals

Here’s where BestROILists.com comes in. We offer a range of targeted email lists specifically for businesses with interest in the firearms industry, such as Gunpowder Review, The Firearms Network, and Down Range.

Our prepper email lists, such as the Prepper Dispatch, can also help you reach individuals interested in disaster preparedness and self-reliance.

BestROILists.com provides:

  1. High engagement, open, and click-through rates.
  2. 100% CAN-Spam compliant lists
  3. Over 100 dedicated email lists for firearms and prepper products
  4. More than 30 years of experience in the email marketing industry

To get started with renting email lists from BestROILists.com follow:

  1. Identify your target audience. Choose from categories like preppers, firearms enthusiasts, or specific groups interested in hunting and self-defense.
  2. Contact BestROILists.com for a free consultation to discuss your campaign needs.
  3. Create a compelling email campaign. Craft your message to reflect urgency. Something like “Act Now Before New Gun Laws Take Effect” could be effective.
  4. Measure and optimize results. Monitor open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to ensure the best return on your investment.

The Cost of Inaction

But why is this so urgent? Why can’t you just wait and see what happens?

The financial risk of holding unsellable inventory is huge. Unsold stock doesn’t just sit there harmlessly. It costs money. You’re paying for warehouse space. You’re tying up capital that could be used elsewhere in your business.

And if certain firearms and parts become illegal? Selling them in secondary markets could become nearly impossible. You could be left with worthless inventory and a big hole in your finances.

Seize the Opportunity Now

The time to act is now. Renting a gun owners mailing list from BestROILists.com is one of the fastest ways to reach motivated buyers. It’s quicker and more targeted than traditional marketing channels.

Think about the alternative. Waiting too long could leave you in a precarious position. You could be forced to liquidate at a loss. Or worse, you might be stuck with inventory you can’t sell at all.

But by acting now, you’re taking control of the situation. You’re reaching out to buyers who are ready and willing to purchase, and you’re converting inventory into cash before any new laws can take effect.

This isn’t just about avoiding loss. It’s about seizing an opportunity. The current climate of uncertainty can work in your favor. Many gun owners and enthusiasts are looking to buy now, fearing future restrictions. Your email campaign could be exactly what they’re waiting for.

Remember, this is a time-sensitive issue. The political landscape can change quickly. What’s legal today might not be tomorrow. By the time legislation is announced, it might be too late to react.

But you don’t have to be caught off guard. You can be proactive and ensure your business doesn’t hold unsellable inventory.

Renting email address and lists from BestROILists.com gives you a direct line to potential buyers in the firearms community. It’s a targeted approach that can yield quick results, which could make all the difference in a situation where time is of the essence.

The clock is ticking. The risks are real. But so are the opportunities. Will you seize them?

Act now. Your business’s future may depend on it.