Midyear Marketing Update: Prepping for a Profitable Year-end

Midyear Marketing Update: Prepping for a Profitable Year-end


30 May

Midyear Marketing Update: Prepping for a Profitable Year-end

2018 has been a banner year for marketing so far, and as we reach the midway point it’s time to improvise and prepare for year-end. A fast-changing market means that advertisers must continually adapt and adjust our modes and methods of outreach.

With the dog days of summer upon us, upcoming family vacations are the perfect time to solicit consumers to travel or outdoor companies to sell outdoor supplies. While there will be a typical summertime surge in family travel, most families plan their trips months in advance. This means that you’ll need to get a head start in your online marketing efforts if you want to beat the competition. In addition to front-running the competition, you’ll also want to focus on e-mail marketing campaigns to prospect for new customers and appeal directly to travelers, campers, and outdoor enthusiasts across multiple demographic segments. Americans are spending record amounts of their disposable income on fishing and hunting gear and supplies, with 2018 shaping up to be a highly profitable year in these areas. Baby boomers and seniors comprise a large segment of these active consumers, so your message must be tailored and on target with these demographics in focus who now trust email marketing over social media channels, due to their affinity with the dedicated emails lists and the trust factor associated with opt-in email lists.

On most marketers’ minds are the upcoming holidays, along with the faith-based market research and promotion this entails. Important as faith-driven marketing is, marketers must not ignore the host of opportunities presented by non-religious holidays: Father’s Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving deserve plenty of attention in your outreach efforts. Dedicated emails to target audiences during these holidays can remind consumers of what your brand has to offer and provide opportunities for new, creative calls to action. This, of course, is not to detract from the importance of religious holidays; marketers must think ahead, as these midyear months are the ideal time to start prepping for the mad rush that will inevitably happen from September through December.

Then there are the upcoming and highly anticipated elections, which we might not have considered as marketing opportunities. Between the various primaries each month and the November elections, marketing mavens can take a page from the book of political email fundraising experts, who truly appreciate the meaning of persistence, adapting to market shifts, and appealing to both the base and the undecided among the target demographic. Advertisers can capitalize on election cycle opportunities without necessarily having to take a political stance: it’s a matter of identifying appropriate tie-ins with current events, seizing the moment when news breaks, and gauging sentiment in order to align ads with consumer preferences.

Yet another must-know but underappreciated opportunity is National Preparedness Month, which occurs in September. This is a time when people need to prepare in areas prone to hurricanes and tornadoes, and people through the North, Midwest and Pacific Northwest must make preparations for terrible winter storms. Certainly this is a challenging time for consumers, but it’s also a chance to let your audience know that your company will be there for them in times of need. In our marketing efforts, this is a time not to be pushy but to forge and strengthen relationships and, ultimately, brand loyalty. After all, consumers do want to know what you have to offer, but they also need to know that you care.

Again, starting early is the key by utilizing dedicated email lists rentals and opt-in email lists that are associated with brands that offer an affinity with the recipients, thereby cultivating prospective client relationships for the advertisers. Whether it’s political email fundraising, advice on safe hunting tips or the latest survival gear, email marketing through targeted email lists continue to offer value that will pay off for almost any advertiser.

If you’ve been struggling with lead generation or obtaining qualified leads, buyers, and donors, Best ROI Lists has dedicated experts and plenty of resources to assist you. Give us a call today, and let’s talk about how we can make 2018 the most profitable year ever.